Roman Catholic Academy of the Society of St.Pius X
25269 East Bolton Road - Veneta, OR 97487
​Tel: 541 935 0149 Fax: 541 935 4120
"For our citizenship is in heaven" (Philippians 3:20)
Saint Thomas Becket Academy is dedicated to helping parents educate their children in the Catholic Faith.
Traditions of the Church
Saint Thomas Becket Academy seeks nothing other than what the Catholic Church has always sought and achieved in the education of young Catholics. We share the Church’s desire to spread the Kingdom of God on earth.
Elements of a Catholic Education
According to the Catholic Church, the object of a school and of education is the formation of the perfect Christian. This means a balanced formation that has the perfection of the child in all spheres – spiritual, intellectual, moral, social and physical – as its goals. Since man is a creature of God in all these realities, every aspect must be subject to the motherly guidance of His Church. Unlike modern man and his obsession with his own subjective feelings and rights, we, as Catholics, seek the reign of Christ in all aspects of our lives.
Spiritual Formation
Our school finds in the traditional liturgy of the Church the privileged source of supernatural life and of solid piety. For this reason the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is offered in the Tridentine Rite. Pupils have a regularly scheduled time for the sacrament of Penance. In addition, other devotions such as the Rosary and Benediction will prove conducive to fostering a greater love of God in the heart of the pupil. All pupils receive instruction in the Catholic Faith as part of the curriculum. Children are prepared for the reception of the Sacraments, the boys are taught to serve Mass, and all pupils are taught to sing the hymns and recite the prayers of the Mass.
Academic Formation
Our curriculum is Liberal Arts based. We place emphasis on English language, phonics, reading and handwriting, mathematics and religious education. Lessons in history, science, geography, music, art, and PE complement the curriculum.
Moral Formation
Education is about the acquisition of knowledge and the development of critical thinking. But this is not all. Education also consists in the apprenticeship of virtue. Through the school’s curriculum, the example of teachers and fellow pupils and the Sacraments of the Church, the child learns both the practice of virtue and that his Catholic Faith is an integral part of everyday life. Self control, good manners and disciplined behavior are instilled with a view to developing the child’s character and sense of moral responsibility. As a small school, we are able to create a family atmosphere in which the children are cared for in a friendly yet disciplined setting.